Biography of the PHP HPCloud Library

Aug 7 2012

The first two articles in a series about the HP Cloud PHP bindings is available on the Cloud Matters, the official HP Cloud blog. Matt Farina is writing this series.

The HP Cloud library, which is developed on Github, is a project Matt and I started. It wasn't intended to be part of HP's offerings. Instead, we started the project because we wanted to build our own tools to work with our cloud services. We have a number of specialized internal tools that we use for things like debugging the Identity Service catalog or taking snapshots of DBaaS instances.

We also wanted to be able to store Drupal assets inside of Object Storage, and building a PHP library was the first step. (The second, of course, was to build an HP Cloud Drupal module).

The high point so far has been launching our new blog entirely inside of our own cloud architecture, powered in a large part by this PHP code. We'd been dipping our toes in the water, but this was a head-first plunge.

It's been rewarding to see this library go from "scratching our own itch" to being generally useful for others. The library still has a way to go, and we've just about pushed it to 1.0, but I'm encouraged to see how far it has gone already. <!--break-->