The Potential of Cloud plus IoT
I've heard some dubious claims contrasting the cloud and IoT. I've also seen the connection between the two overhyped and generally misunderstood. As the lead cloud engineer at an IoT company, I feel obligated both to provide context and advocate for a proper understanding of the potential of IoT plus cloud.
Anticipating October's Wearables + Things conference, MoDev posted an article of mine on the topic. In it, suggest a particular understanding of how and why cloud and IoT each emerged as a technology. I talk about it as two natural lines of evolution from the Ubiquitous Biege Box computer.
I kind of play around with the notion of a Hegelian synthesis as an explanatory model for why cloud and IoT are neither competing technologies nor utterly divergent. They are specializations that combine to become a better whole than the generic solution that we have left behind.