Slashdot review of Drupal 7 Module Development
Michael J. Ross contributed a review of our Drupal 7 Module Development book. Slashdot typically writes very fair reviews, and Michael's is no exception. He does a good job of digging into each chapter and examining both the strengths and weaknesses of the book.
Up front I would like to make a...
Google Summer of Code Mentor Summit, 2010
While there, I learned about what other CMS systems...
Varnish String Concatenation in VCL
For whatever reason, I have not seen Varnish documentation on concatenating strings. It's not on the official operators list. Even more bothersome, I occasionally see people using regular expression substitutions (regsuball
) to do string concatenation in Varnish's VCL.
In fact, string concatenation...
Why Object-Oriented Programming is Bad for Drupal
I have led or contributed to dozens of Open Source projects. And with one exception, all of my code has been Object Oriented. (That one exception is Drupal.) Java, Python, PHP, and even OO Perl... I'm a dyed-in-the-wool OO developer. So this may come as a shock to anyone who knows me, but I am about...
My Five Favorite New Productivity Tools: Nirvana, Homebrew, Ttytter, Sequel Pro, and Chrome
I spend most of my days doing software development and system administration. And I am always busy, so streamlining any part of my workday can have a big impact on how much I get done and how good I feel about my productivity. Taking a look back over the last six months, I see that I have added a...
New Book: Drupal 7 Module Development (released in RAW)
PHP Phar command line errors on OS X: Running 'php some.phar' generates '?????'
When I tried to run pyrus.phar on Mac OSX recently, I had a strange experience. Executing php pyrus.phar
generated the output ???
and then exited. With a little more testing, I discovered that all of my Phar packages, when from from the command line, generate "garbage" output (a series of question...
Varnish: Reloading VCL configuration files with varnishadm
Did you know that you can reload varnish VCL configuration files without restarting varnish? While I could find any clear mention of this in the manual, it turns out to be a simple two-step task accomplished using varnishadm
Prerequisites: Having Varnish Listen for Admin Connections
In order to...
Configuring MacGDBp for Debugging a Local Debian Virtual Machine
In my current Drupal development environment, I run an entire Debian server stack (LAMP + Memcache + Varnish, etc) inside of a VirtualBox virtual machine. On those frustration-laden occasions when I need to fire up the debugger, I use MacGDBp to connect to the virtual machine. Here's how I configure...
jQuery Checkboxes: Checking and unchecking the right way
When working with checkboxes in jQuery and JavaScript, sometimes all you really want to do is toggle the checked state of the checkbox. There are many examples of strange ways of accomplishing this, many of which are wrong or will only work on some browsers. Here is a correct (XHTML-correct) and compact...