A Simple Pattern for Importing Images

September 25, 2009

When migrating legacy sites into Drupal, one challenging issue is importing images. The CCK imagefield module is one of the most popular ways to store images in Drupal 6, and we at Palantir.net use it on all of our production sites. This short tutorial shows you how to write a quick importer that...

QueryPath at DrupalCamp Atlanta?

September 24, 2009

I was happy to see that QueryPath made the hallway track at DrupalCamp Atlanta. I assume I have Ken to thank for that. Ken co-presented with me twice at DrupalCon Paris -- once on how we did Foreign Affairs, and once on QueryPath (video of session).


QueryPath, Mashups, and Web Services (Video)

September 23, 2009

At DrupalCon Paris, I gave a presentation on QueryPath, Mash-ups and Web Services, in which I covered the basics of using QueryPath.

I had two guest speakers with me.

Ken Rickard discussed using QueryPath to import legacy HTML content into Drupal.

David Hwang discussed how QueryPath was used to...

How to Make a Module (Video)

September 23, 2009

At DrupalCon Paris, 2009, I gave an introductory talk on how to write Drupal modules. The talk was a hands-on walk through the development of a simple module. I wrote the module as I talked, and encouraged the audience to follow along on their laptops.

Here is the video of that presentation.


September 15, 2009

Here's a fun, high-tech art installation from MIT that analyzes online references to your name or handle and builds a visual representation of how you appear online. I ran it twice: Once for Matt Butcher and once for TechnoSophos.

Matt Butcher is a fairly common name, and as the exhibit builds...

Drupal and Sentiment Analysis on OpenAmplify Blog

August 26, 2009

Over at the OpenAmplify blog, SteveS talks about how the CMS world has changed, and how Drupal has "come to his rescue" as he builds a new corporate website. He discusses using OpenAmplify and the Drupal Amplify module to analyze sentiment.

Sentiment analysis is all the rage right now, with the New...

Nate Angell (xolotl) Reviews "Drupal 6, JavaScript, and jQuery"

August 24, 2009

Nate Angell posted a review of Drupal 6, Javascript, and jQuery.

While the review is full of information about the book, its structure, and its intended audience, I was struck more by what I didn't have when writing the book. Nate says:

FYI: I drafted this entire review sitting on an Oregon...

Using the UNIX find Command

August 3, 2009

Today I needed to run a simple script against thousands of identically named files nested in a huge directory structure. What I needed was a quick way to recurse through all of the directories, ignore all of the files I didn't care about, but run a specified command on any files with a particular...

Chris Shattuck's review of Drupal 6 Javascript and jQuery

August 3, 2009

Chris Shattuck wrote a review of my Drupal 6 JavaScript and jQuery book. It is an insightful review, and will certainly influence what I do in the second edition. One of the commentors on the blog noted that the review was very detailed and must have taken a long time to write. I agree. Thanks, Chris...

My Review of "Decoding Liberation"

July 28, 2009

My review of the fantastic book Decoding Liberation has been published in the American Philosophical Association's newsletter on Computers and Philosophy. I highly recommend the book. (Shameless self-promotion: My perspective on the Freedom Zero problem is discussed in the second chapter.)
